This year, we want to take an African photo safari. We told her (Rhonda at Creative Travel Trends) our sightseeing and accommodations parameters. She has worked for the last 20 years+ with an African safari expert of 31 years and they have put together a completely personalized itinerary (we are NOT on a tour) that keeps within our budget, but provides us with safaris, safaris, safaris, first class glamps (glamour camps), travel between locations in four different countries, all other accommodations, sightseeing tours in Cape Town, airport transportation, etc. We can’t wait.
— Client A

My wife and I have now used Rhonda as our travel agent for four overseas trips. The most amazing part is that her travel knowledge is so extensive and eclectic. For example, three years ago, she put us on an absolutely terrific tour of Japan. She told us to go with a certain tour company which she personally knew about in Japan, instead of other better known tours. The tour guide was FANTASTIC and the tour included so much. And, it was reasonably priced. My trip of a lifetime (to be surpassed later this year).
— Client B

...when we were in Southern Spain, she knew a tour guide company in Tangiers that provided us with a splendid tour guide, who met us at the ferry from Spain, took us to a marvelous breakfast, took us all around Tangiers, and then took us into a neighboring area for the best seafood I have ever eaten. Seaside views, marketplaces, fish and spice markets, an ancient synagogue (I am Jewish), artist areas, and interesting information about all we saw. Then, when we went to Portugal four days after our Tangiers tour, she arranged train reservations from Lisbon to Porto and back on excellent trains.
— client C